Besides therapy related programs, Shiloh Israel Children’s Fund takes on many projects relevant for the children of the biblical heartland. Learn about some of the initiatives below:
The pre-teenage and teenage youth groups B’nei Akiva and Ariel, analogous to similar patriotic, value-based organizations in other countries, like the original Boy Scouts or Girl Scouts of America, receive no governmental or private funding for their programs in the communities of Shiloh.
These programs build in our youth the strong religious Zionist values of love of the Land of Israel, love of God and His Torah, hard work, and acts of kindness. Because these are such valuable programs, we provide substantial support to this important work.
We are currently raising funds for “Beit Gilad,” (“The House of Gilad”), a youth center to be named for a young, idealistic soldier from Shiloh, Gilad Nitzan, who was killed in the early stages of the war in Gaza, shortly after the October 7th massacre of 1,200 Israeli civilians. Having been a madrich (counselor) in Bnei Akiva for years, Gilad was a role model to many children and a central figure in the community. The youth center will use the unique SICF blend of therapeutic-educational programming, in this case in the post-school and weekend hours, and will be designed to also serve the social needs of teenagers.
Summer camps in Israel, except in the major cities, are usually just three weeks long. This can lead to major family and social problems.
We have embarked on an important project to increase the time-frame of these camps from three weeks to six weeks, as well as to greatly improve the quality and adult supervision. This has made a tremendous difference in the lives of the children and families who benefit from these camps, which are a lifesaver during hot Israeli summers.
In Israel’s heartland, it is not a given that a family can load into their van for a day’s outing at the park or playground. Doing so could end in tragedy, as horrible acts of violence against Israeli civilians continue.
Therefore, it is the dream of the Shiloh Israel Children’s Fund that there be playgrounds and parks within the communities so that children can go outside to play – to run and jump and swing and slide – in safety within their own neighborhoods.
We have begun this project in Gush Shiloh (the Shiloh bloc of communities) and will expand to other communities in the future.
The many pressures that Israel faces today have caused massive cuts in educational funding to communities. But the children still need to learn, and this is accomplished through up-to-date equipment and materials and support for programming.
We have taken it upon ourselves to rise to the challenge of building state-of-the-art Math Rooms and Science Labs to give children the opportunity for hands-on learning and to focus on higher-level thinking skills.
Simultaneously, we are focusing on building and sustaining Resource Rooms, where children who need smaller-group or individual learning will be given those opportunities at the appropriate times.
Donations to Shiloh Israel Children’s Fund are Tax Deductible in the USA and Canada.
Shiloh Israel Children’s Fund is a registered 501(c) (3) non-profit organization, registered under EIN Number 680589341.
Shiloh Israel Children’s Fund is a registered charitable organization in Canada # 835431438.