
Two brothers, Two wars.

Watch the Mischel Brothers as they discuss the Israel-Hamas war on the frontlines and in the headlines. Explore how the Nation of Israel is battling both Ishmael and Esau once again.
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What is it like being a father of a soldier?

What is it like parenting a child in Israel now?

How can you be a soldier without being in the army?

Watch the Mischel brothers as they answer these questions and give us a clear understanding of our responsibilities during this critical moment in history. 

Meet the two American Rabbis who live in Israel:

Rabbi Judah Mischel

Rabbi Judah Mischel is Executive Director of Camp HASC, the Hebrew Academy for Special Children. He is the Spiritual Mentor of OU-NCSY, founder of Tzama Nafshi and the author of Baderech: Along the Path of Teshuva (Repentance). Rav Judah received rabbinic ordination from the Jerusalem Rabbinate, a B.A. in History from Yeshiva University, an M.A. in Education from Azrieli Graduate School, and was a Graduate Fellow at the CUNY Center for Coexistence at the School for Public Affairs. Rav Judah was Director of Student Activities and a Judaic Studies faculty member at the Frisch School, in New Jersey, and led Aish HaTorah Jerusalem’s Return & Learn Program.

Rabbi Elie Mischel

Rabbi Elie Mischel is the Director of Education at Israel365. Before making Aliyah in 2021, he served as the Rabbi of Congregation Suburban Torah in Livingston, New Jersey. He also worked for several years as a corporate attorney at Day Pitney, LLP. Rabbi Mischel received rabbinic ordination from Yeshiva University’s Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary. Rabbi Mischel also holds a J.D. from the Cardozo School of Law and an M.A. in Modern Jewish History from the Bernard Revel Graduate School of Jewish Studies. He is also the editor of HaMizrachi Magazine.

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